Online Mind

Online Person Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy

A bespoke service, offering a space to explore your thoughts and struggles.

Supporting you in becoming the person that you want to become.

Welcome to Online Mind

I specialize in online person centred counselling for individuals with the option of receiving treatment anonymously. I offer individual bespoke flexible sessions, which can take place on Zoom, Skype, Telephone, Text, Email or Instant Messenger.

If you choose, I can help you understand how you came to be the person that you are today, but more importantly, I can support you in making the changes that you want in your life. Through our work together, I can develop your awareness of your emotions, thought processes, and behaviours. This will enable you to take control and manage your life the way that you want to.

I work with people from all backgrounds who are struggling with a wide range of issues. Recently most of my work has been supporting people with professional anxiety, low self worth, stress and depression.

I am a highly skilled, fully qualified and accredited member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (MBACP Accred) who understand the opportunities that online counselling offers people who may find in-person counselling problematic.

If you are considering counselling as a way to explore your issues, I recognise that this is a courageous step to take, and I will support you in whatever way is most comfortable and less stressful for you.

How can counselling help?

Life can be difficult, and sometimes we may need support to explore and make sense of the challenges that we could be facing. A counsellor’s role is to provide you with a safe and comfortable space for you to share and explore the feelings that you have and guide you on your journey of self-discovery. During our sessions, I can help you find your path to a brighter and more positive future.

I recognise the fundamental differences between online and in-person counselling. I offer a wide range of ways to engage in sessions so you feel completely comfortable. I believe this enables you to probe deeper and make progress more quickly.

Some clients prefer online through Zoom or a similar platform whereas other clients prefer more anonymity which enables them to explore their problems without the possible feelings of guilt or shame getting in the way. I work with clients over the telephone, through text messaging, through email and even through instant messenger platforms. I have found that this way, clients are more open to explore their issues in deeper detail. As a result, I have found they are able to resolve these issues more effectively. I can offer a payment service that allows you to remain completely anonymous throughout the whole process.

Together we can explore your situation in a way that leads to fresh perspectives and a new understanding of yourself. Using a person centred approach, my counselling is not about giving you the solutions.My skill is about empowering you to find your own solutions from within yourself and to discover your own path. Person centred counselling is about what you want. My role is to give you the tools to increase your self-awareness and achieve your goals and your full potential.

Speak in Confidence

The way I work takes place in any space that works best for you and one that fits around your life. The sessions can take place online, over the phone, by text, email or instant messenger. Regardless of how you access my counselling, I approach every client as an individual offering bespoke sessions that suit their needs.

A problem shared...

Are you struggling with stress in your job or personal life, facing issues of low self worth or professional anxiety? Many people face these difficulties from time to time, and they can have a huge impact on their daily life and their sense of wellbeing. Through counselling, you can work through and explore your issues, gaining the skills to help you have a better understanding of yourself, moving towards a better life.

Make better choices

When we work together, I can help you gain a greater understanding of the issues you are having difficulties with and how to resolve them. Also why you are feeling or behaving in a certain way, and how you can use that knowledge to make healthier choices moving forward. Together, I can help you create your own path to work through your problems and towards a brighter future.

How I work

I take a humanistic and person-centred approach when working with clients. If required I also include techniques such as CBT and psychodynamic therapy. This means that if you work with me, you are the focus of the therapy. I empower you to find a path towards a greater understanding of yourself and your feelings. Giving you the skills to be able to make sense of your issues. Through CBT, I help you find practical solutions to support and enable you to work through your issues on your own, not just when you are in a session with me.

In our sessions, I work flexibly, drawing on a range of skills to rationally explore what makes you, you. We work together at your pace helping you manage what you have been experiencing, then work together to help you take back control. My passion is to support clients to make sense of what they are experiencing and become the best version of themselves that they can be. I do offer face to face counselling but mainly work online or by phone. This gives you the opportunity to work with a counsellor without having to meet in person. This is also known as internet counselling, e-counselling, web therapy, or remote therapy. This kind of counselling is a good solution for busy people with busy lives who struggle to fit therapy into their schedule or those who prefer to keep in contact at a distance from wherever they maybe. Online counselling can also provide a valuable service to people who have shied away from traditional therapy before due to either embarrassment or practical reasons.

It is of the utmost importance that you find a counsellor you feel comfortable and confident in working with. This is why I offer a free initial 15 minute consultation so that I am able to gain an understanding of want you require and can I offer it. This gives you the opportunity to see if I might be the right counsellor for you at this moment in time. After the initial consultation, together we create a plan for your therapy. This will be based on your unique circumstances. Thereafter, the sessions are 60 minutes, One session is £65, three sessions are £150 (£50 per session) six sessions £270 (£45 per session) and £40 a session thereafter. All fees paid upfront 

If you are struggling emotionally right now and find it difficult to meet my cost for counselling email me and we can talk about it.

Please note that if you want to cancel an appointment, I require 24 hours notice, otherwise you will still be charged for any sessions missed. I accept payment in cash or bank transfer.

Issues I can help with

I offer counselling to help with a broad range of issues. I specialise in helping clients with professional anxiety, low self-worth stress and depression. Please get in touch if you are facing difficulties in any of these areas. I can arrange an initial free 15 minutes consultation.

Professional Anxiety

If you suffer from work related anxiety, it not only affects your job but it can easily spill over into other areas of your life. This can leave you feeling constantly on edge and unable to cope. It can lead to you making career choices based on your anxiety and it can make maintaining healthy relationships difficult. Some stress is unavoidable and in many careers, you may experience a high level of stress. However, if this stress is constant and persistent, it may be a sign that you need further help and support in overcoming it.

Low Self-Worth

If you have problems with low self worth, it can impact every area of your life. Oscar Wilde wrote that ‘to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance’. Having a positive relationship with and a good opinion of yourself is the key to a happy and healthy life. Through counselling, I can help you explore your feelings of low self worth and find ways to reconnect and develop more positive feelings about yourself.


Stress is a part of our everyday lives but prolonged periods of feeling stressed can lead to further issues down the line, such as alcohol abuse, drug dependency, chronic illness or pain, insomnia or an inability to find pleasure or relaxation. This, in turn, can damage your relationships, affect your performance at work and in some cases, lead to serious illness. So finding ways to manage your stress is vital to your health and wellbeing. I understand how stress can affect you and together, through counselling, I can help you pinpoint why you feel overwhelmed by stress and find ways to manage your stress in a healthier way.


The counselling environment is of paramount importance for clients with autism. Working online, clients have more control over their environment. Online counselling gives clients with autism as much time to process as they need. I have worked with clients with autism in many ways, through text messaging, through email and even through instant messenger platforms. I have found online counselling revolutionary in connecting with clients who have autism.

We also offer counselling for the following issues:

About me

I am a therapist that has been counselling clients online and anonymously long before the covid pandemic. I am an accredited member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (MBACP Accred.) I have been supporting adults with highly complex and challenging needs for many years. As MBACP Accredited Counsellors, I work within the BACP’s Ethical Framework offering a committed, dedicated and ethical counselling service, maintaining professional standards.

Some years ago I recognised the growing need for online counselling. Many people find it difficult to fit counselling around their busy lives. I also realised that working in other ways, not just in person, offered some clients the flexibility and the option to engage with counselling anonymously.

Through these online platforms, I found clients could explore their problems without feeling shame or guilt about their experiences. I found that issues and barriers were much easier to overcome working in this way and clients made much quicker progress than they would have with in-person counselling. This prompted me to take specific training for online counselling, as it is a very different way of working with clients and requires a certain set of skills.

I am a counselling tutor and also have extensive experience of working with clients anonymously through Samaritans and Kooth PLC.

In England and Wales, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, formerly known as CRB) carry out criminal records checks for individuals working with vulnerable groups, such as children. To find out more, visit 

I hold a current enhanced DBS check (001564066149) which is the most detailed and in-depth criminal record and barring check that can be carried out in the United Kingdom.


Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between online and face-to-face?

Online therapy offers you, the client, more control and choice. Having to travel to an unfamiliar place to share your experiences can sometimes create a barrier. Online therapy eliminates this, helping you feel completely safe and comfortable in your surroundings. Online therapy requires a different kind of listening and intensity. Both yours and the counsellor’s senses are reduced which means there is a greater focus and concentration on the issues explored.

Why would online counselling benefit me?

Online counselling offers clients greater convenience, as you can access support from any space you feel comfortable in. You do not need to factor in travel time, which may make it even more difficult to fit therapy into your schedule. Through the internet, it is much easier to access counselling and it can help you overcome the stigma of therapy, which may have prevented you in the past.

Why would I work anonymously?

Anonymity allows you to feel completely safe and comfortable when discussing difficult issues that may provoke feelings of guilt, shame or embarrassment. By accessing counselling by telephone, through email, or through text messaging, you are able to overcome feelings of self-consciousness, allowing you and the counsellor to talk more freely, probe more deeply and make more progress, quickly.

Fees & availability

Counselling sessions last for 60 minutes, usually taking place on a weekly basis costing £65 per session or three sessions £150 (£50 per session) or six sessions £270 (£45 per session) and £40 a session thereafter.

All fees are paid in advance.

If you are struggling emotionally right now and find it difficult to meet my costs for counselling email me and we can talk about it. 

Free initial assessment consultations last 15 minutes.

Please contact us directly for more information regarding availability.


Most of my clients access my services either online or using one of my anonymous channels but we do offer in-person counselling. I am based in Bracknell and we also serve Reading, Wokingham, Ascot, Windsor and surrounding areas.

Please contact me for more information about face to face or online counselling.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or if you would like to arrange an initial assessment consultation. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling and whether it could be helpful for you. All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

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